Saturday, November 19, 2011

Johnnie Walker Blue Label?

I recently received the 4 pack special case of the Johnnie Walker whiskeys. The red, black, gold and BLUE one. I have tried the others but know that the Blue Label is a special kind. Should I drink it or save it? 200ml bottles so they are pretty small.

Im dying to try it but the chances of me ever coming across it again are slim to none. WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!|||Drink it. It is wonderful! I personally would wait until a very cold night this winter, maybe a special occasion, but I would only share it with someone special who would appreciate it. Maybe the person who bought it for you.

It will definitely put a glow on you. It is peat nectar!

Enjoy, I'm jealous.|||keep it for a special day it will mean more|||I think you should drink it the very next time you wish to enjoy some scotch. I have kept Johnnie Walker Blue label (as well as Gold and Black) around for years. It isn't the best scotch out there, and is certainly not the best for the price, but everyone should try it at least once. It is a blended scotch made with several different ones including Royal Lochnagar. I don't remember whether the 200 ml bottles are numbered or not, but larger bottles are given a number. You should be able to find in around the country. If you are ever out of the country, buy it at a duty free shop, it should save you about $100. If you are looking for some other great scotches, that maybe aren't so pricey, try Macallan 18 year old, or Balvenie 21 yo Port Wood. They are both excellent.|||You'll come across it again if you want to buy it. The sell it in the ABC store here in Virginia (Special order if not in the store). Go ahead and try it, what if you die tonight? Atleast it won't be wasted. That's my approach to things in life.|||I usually drink Johnny Walter Red when I'm out. I prefer Pinch, but few places have it. However, Johnny Walker Blue is the very, very best. You can buy it in Ohio in the liquor stores by the fifth. Try it, you'll LOVE it!!|||Whenever but drink it by itself so you can appreciate it. Don't whip it out some night after a 6-pack of bud.|||Aron W has named so excellent and less expensive Single Malt alternatives to Johnny Blue. I might also add an even less expensive 10yr old Aberlour to his list which rivals the taste, smoothness, and complexity of many 15yr olds.|||Blue is not a cheap bottle. You should save it for a special occasion that is worth the bottle. It is not hard to find...most liquor stores can order it for you if they do not have it. You should buy the 1.75 litre bottle to be well off. The size of the bottle you have sounds like a mini. If that is the case, drink it because you need to try it. This will also determine if you purchase another bottle of it in the near future. I can speak for others that have tried it when I say that it is SMOOTH as silk and tastes like nothing else I have ever drank. Good times!!!

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